An Insight Into Search Engine Users And Intent


Search Engine Users

In the last unit of the course, we looked at some of the advanced methods search engines are beginning to use to index and retrieve information from web pages. In this unit of the course, we will look at another crucial factor in the search process, the search engine user. 

By the end of this unit you should have a better understanding of:

  • the habits and patterns of behaviour exhibited by the average searcher
  • the implications these patterns have for the optimisation of your site
  • the perceived difference between 'organic' and sponsored listings
  • the ideal position to gain in search engine results
  • aspects of your site that persuade search engine users to visit that site
This unit assumes that you have completed the previous units of the course and that you have a basic understanding of the major search engines and the manner in which they work.

4.1 The importance of the searcher

In a certain sense, the search process involves two elements that come into contact every time a search is performed. Firstly we have the search engine itself as a sophisticated piece of technology. Yet we also have to take the individual searcher into account. This individual probably doesn’t even understand how search engines work, yet, in some respects, all the efforts of the search engine and search engine optimisation are determined by the actions of this individual.

At the end of the day, search engines become more complex and sophisticated only in so far as they are trying to satisfy the demands of the individual searcher and return results that are fast, relevant and easy enough for him or her to understand. As far as SEO goes, all your efforts boil down to getting the right kind of searcher to your site, and much of the research for, and content of, your site will be determined what they type into search engines when looking for your products or services.

With this in mind, the individual searcher is an important factor to understand when optimising your site. By understanding something of the psychology of the searcher, we can gain important pointers about the most effective way to plan and optimise our site.

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